Solved Exercises of Distribution in Operations Simulation

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In this posts, you are going to find many solved exercises about probability used in operations.

Exponential Distribution

Exercise 1

In an industrial environment, the work accidents occur at a rate of 0.5 / week, in a five days week. Calculate:

  1. The probability of not occurring any accident in the first week.
  2. The probability of occurring one accident on Wednesday of the second week.

First, let's see the information that we have got: λ=0.1 (accidents per week) which comes from 1 accident divided by 10 days (5 day-week). Then, we have x=5 days. So we apply the formula in Excel: =DIST.EXPON(x;λ;1). Here, ‘1' belongs to cumulative.

P1: 1-[=DIST.EXPON(5;0,1;1)] = 1-0,3934 = 0,60653.

Second, to find out the probability on Wednesday, we need to evaluate the exponential distribution on Wednesday (T≤8) minus the previous days (T<7). Now, x=10 days.

P1: =DIST.EXPON(8;0,1;1)-DIST.EXPON(7;0,1;1) = 0,047.

Normal Distribution

Exercise 1

Use the excel sheet to calculate Pr[1.5 < X < 4.3], given that X ~ Gauss (3,2).

For this exercise, we need to just apply the formula in Excel, which is =DIST.NORMAL(x;µ;σ;1). The variables are: x1=4,3; x2=1,5; µ=3 (also called “mean”); σ=2 (also called “standard deviation”).

Pr: =DIST.NORMAL(4,3;3;2;1)-DIST.NORMAL(1,5;3;2;1) = 0,7421-0,2266 = 0,5155.

Statistical Inference

Exercise 1

Let x1,x2,…,x9 a random sample drawn from the population X~ Gauss(µ, 1). Test the hypothesis H0:μ=2 vs HA: μ≠2.

  • In which case(s) you reject H0: x~ = 2.88.
  • Calculate the p-value associated with each test, for alpha = 0.05.

Let's get first the T values using this formula: T=(“mean of x~”-µ)/(σ/(“square root of n”)). The data is: (mean of) x~=2,88, σ=1, µ=2, n=9. The limits are 0 and 1 for the Gaussian distribution.

T=(2,88-2)/(1/SQRT(9)) = 2,64.

To evaluate if it gets rejected, let's compare it with the limits of the graph: ±1,96. In this case, it is out of the ‘x' values admitted so it is rejected. Now, in order to get the p-values, let's apply the formula for normal distribution: =DIST.NORMAL(x;µ;σ;1) times 2 for a bilateral check.

P = (1 – [=DIST.NORMAL(2,64;2;1;1]) * 2= (1-0,7389)*2 = 0,26108

Since the argument for this test is that it must be lower than alpha=5%. Therefore, it fails to do so.