New Product Development: an Orange Squeezer

a team sitting on the table
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

We know the block of creating a something from scratch: we do we even start!? Without the proper planning and thinking, we could get lost with ease or take too much time into finding the perfect idea, moment or match. That is why to succeed with a new product development, we have to go to a process from taking the original idea into pitching the project for investing and selling. This blog post is about how a manual orange squeezer, a project for the university, was conceptualised until it became a more solid business model.

Preliminary Concepts

  • Is there a “standard” development process that will work for every company?
  • What role do experts from different functional areas play in the development process?
  • What milestones can be used to divide the process into phases?
  • Should the organization be divided into groups corresponding to projects or functions?


Concept Development

System-Level Design

Detail Design

Production Ramp-Up


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